Tag Archives: deaf read

Homophobia & Sexism aint cool and DVTV boo

heye all

Homophobia & Sexism aint cool and DVTV boo

youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lFDB70KFCQ

NOT COOL!  I can not tell u how uncool this is coming in the wake of g/l/b/t suicides.  it is so thoughtless and wrong i can not fathom why it was carried and still up at DVTV.  it is beyond mind-boggling.


A boycott is a form of consumer activism involving the act of voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest, usually for political reasons. (from wikipedia)

Once Thoreau refused to pay his taxes as he was protesting slavery and was put in jail – his friend said:

“Why are you in jail?” the friend asked.

“Why are you out of jail?” he answered.

from http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4802

Read more there about how the Montgomery Bus Boycott was to be for one day only but had to go on and on for over 1 year and WHY?

Don’t ride buses that allow folks to be mistreaded.  Yes, it happens else where and one struggle at a time.  We will get to those places too.  For now eyes on DVTV and DR for constantly violating their own guidelines.

If you decide only to do a ONE day boycott – make that known.  Put a vlog or blog entry up saying BLUE MONDAY!

Many folks have been boycotting both DVTV/DR for a mighty long time.

Many folks have asked me “Why are you out of DVTV/DR?” to which i should have answered “Why are you in DVTV/DR?”

Time to do the right thing folks.

Rosa Parks – an UNstupid woman!

To Tayler and Our Deaf Community:

Greetings Tayler and members of our beloved Deaf community :

I hope you are well.

I come in positive peace.

I am sorry we are at this place of conflict and you, Tayler, have chosen to attack me with falsehoods and namecalling.  I know I have challenged you.  I see that this challenge, which comes from love, has hurt you.

I now fully understand that you cannot enforce guidelines that you yourself actively violate.

I am sorry to learn that you feel i have been harassing you.  Using DVTV’s own definition of cyberbullying via the R-list which was taken from wikipedia

You have: “Cyberstalking is the use of information and communications technology, particularly the Internet, by an individual or group of individuals, to harass another individual, group of individuals, or organization. The behavior includes false accusations, monitoring, the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and gathering information for harassment purposes.”

It seems that perhaps you are engaging in cyberbullying and harassment of me with your recent blog entry where you call me a “harasser,” demonstrate that you have been monitoring me my comments in the blogsphere, and you put forth false accusations about me.

From DR Guideline #8 re: Name calling:

“Naming a person is still fine, however if the named person is insulted, or targeted negatively, it will raise a flag for which we will survey the post more closely. Criticizing an idea or organization is fine. Any exceedingly negative posts, regardless of whether a name is used, will be omitted.”

You have targeted me negatively and brandished me with a false label of “harasser”


on july 1, 2009 you, Tayler, wrote:

“i have a lot of things going on and am juggling them all! ) i’ll add audism in the guidelines — try to do this today!!! yay!!!”

but then you never did and never replied to any of my inquiries as to if you had changed your mind etc.

DVTV walkout began 2nd week of Sept (of which AFA and Ruthie are not part of until the end of Oct and after)

You, Tayler, vlogged about how no one had ever complained to him audism – i email you –  we have a VP chat. We discuss how the word “audism” is unclear and you say you will be adding the word “disability” to DR guidelines and CULTURE to both the DR and DVTV guidelines –

Oct 3rd you, Tayler, wrote: “need to sit down and revise both guidelines this week. thanks patti”

That was almost 1 year ago

i only emailed you a few times in the year that has passed because i mistakenly hoped that you would do the right thing and add “disability” and “culture” to the DR/DVTV guidelines.  Less than 10 emails over the course of 300 days does not constitute harassment.

“harasser” me – if I am – I am a very poor one at that.

RE: my return to DR – it was on our “good faith” understanding and cuz i still believed in u.  As i did up until ur two blog entries.

Not only has DR and DVTV been listing and posting offensive and attacking b/vlogs – you are now creating them and listing them.  Thus, I have come to the very hard conclusion that you cannot possibly enforce your own guidelines since you violate them yourself and I see you do not plan to keep your words to the commitments in the emails to me above.  (please correct me if I am wrong)

Just a couple of business tips –

If you are breaking off communication with someone who only sends u a few emails over the span of a year – you might want to formally let them know that so that they dont assume that maybe the previous one or two communications hadn’t reached you or you had been too busy and overlooked them.  Or they still are hopeful for the better angels of our nature to emerge.

If you want someone to accept to “agree to disagree” with you – it is best to let them know that, in fact, you no longer agree what you promised you were going to do.

Re: crying cyberbullying – many many many people and groups sent letters about cyberbullying.  Are you saying we are all wrong and “harassers” for exercising peaceful direct confrontation?  Kinda conflicts with your free speech position doesn’t it.  I did not and DO NOT support any letters, emails, vlogs, blogs, or comments that spread false accusations.  I do support peaceful and positive activism.  (MLK Jr said positive peace is not the absence of tension but rather the presence of justice.  It is unjust for DR and DVTV to run attack v/blogs and to omit “disability” and “culture” from its guidelines.)

Re: The domestic violence agency who sent a letter to you about Cyberbullying –

Your facts are WRONG HERE.

you wrote:

“I will have you know that a letter was written to me by a domestic violence agency by her [meaning Patti’s] request. (Patti here: I did not request that this domestic violence agency write a letter) After hearing my side of the story, I received the agency’s support and was told something akin to this: “I could do whatever I wanted about Patti”. I am given the green light to address Patti’s ethics and practices.”

“Did she use the domestic violence agency to harass me? Definitely likely. As the excerpt explains, the agency reversed their position (Patti here: If you are speaking of the letter from ASADV – their executive director told me a few weeks ago that she had told YOU that she still stands by her letter.  Are you saying she is lying?  If she is now reversing this position – then she should inform us so we can remove the letter she wrote which is on the agency’s letterhead) and supports me and my team. Given the green light to address Patti’s ethics and practices? Green light given by a domestic violence agency?!” (Patti here: Are you saying a domestic violence agency gave you the green light to lie about me by saying I got them to write this letter and to lie about themselves in terms of telling me they still stand by their letter but telling you they ‘reverse their position’?   Are you saying they gave you the green light to attack me on false and faulty basis? –  boy, that ain’t cool – especially as you noted  – coming from an abuse agency – WOW.  Hoping perhaps you just misunderstood some stuff there?)

Note added Oct 11 : Last week I bumped into  the director of ASADV and i asked her if:

1. she had withdrawn the letter re: cyberbullying and DR/DVTV – she replied that NO she has not withdrawn it and explained that she had simply told Tayler that if and when DR/DVTV pulled the listings / vlogs attacking children – she would then write them a letter of thanks.

2. she acknowledged that I did not contact her about writing the letter and she did not give Tayler any green light to go after me.

Just the facts folks and nothing but the facts.

re: my comments in Facebook and Twitter

Hey Tayler – its kinda creepy that you are monitoring what i have written in facebook and on twitter seeing how i almost NEVER EVER comment in either space.  Ya must really be looking hard and what were these comments?  What did i even say?  I know i ain’t no angel and my halo is pretty crooked at times but either someone is impersonating me or that you solely consider me to be a cyberbully just because i commented to Ricky Taylor a few times – so im a cyberbully by association – oh goodness – if you are gonna extend your definition that way – careful who u hang with pal and who hangs with you because then they (i guess by your standards) are now “harassers” and “cyberbullies”?

Also, this executive director of the domestic violence agency seemed to have the impression that i was behind the Stop Deafread @ Facebook (in hindsight perhaps she got this notion from u when u were visiting at the NAD conference) but when she told me she disapproved of me running the Stop Deafread @ Facebook – i was shocked and told her i had nothing to do with that site.  This is a fact.

You wrote: “Who is the harasser here? Patti Durr. And she has been doing it to me for almost a year.”

If a few emails over the course of one year constitute harassment – I am guilty as charged but i would say – be careful because perhaps u may be accused of harassing someone else based on that definition.

What i have done: (confession time)

i have called a few select folks names – and for that i am sorry.  No not “extremists,” “terrorists,” “antichrist,” “anarchists,” “crybabies,” “children,” “deafhoodites,” etc

No i have never used those terms but i have used “his unholiness” and i have used the term “naysayers”   I can’t really think of any other name i have called anyone.

I have practiced and believed in direct, peaceful confrontation.  I have been relentless about bring truths into the light and trying to have a just and good blogsphere because i have seen TOO MANY good voices go silent.

Oh and i do have a little show i run once and a while called The Rotten Potatoe News with a fictitious character called Patsy Purr – its satire and parody.  Just a little comedic relief.

So bless me sisters and brothers of the v/blogsphere cuz i have succumbed to being silly in the spirit of the Onion News.

If we round up all my b/vlogs, comments here and there that relate to DR, DVTV, and you Tayler – you will see that I have stated i dont support any attacking of you – that i mean you no ill-will and that I love you.  I still do.

My love is a firm one but it has been unwavering.  I have believed in the good in you.  That you would be a man of your word and do the right thing.

You have now made it abundantly clear that i was wrong in my judgment. I have erred in having this faith for too long.  I still love you.

I still cannot fathom why you and your editors would not want to add “disability” and “culture” to the guidelines.

You have never explained this.

While I am very glad you have broken your silence.  I am sorry you have chosen to attack me.  Not because it hurts me but because it diminishes you and your editors and your ability to enforce your own guidelines.  Because it now makes visible your own disregard for your own existing guidelines.

And mostly because it diminishes the great potential of what DR / DVTV deserves to be.

To our beloved Deaf Community – I apologize to you all for having believed in Tayler more than I believed in the need to have an alternative aggregator and video website.  I honestly stayed with this because I believed in his words and in his editors and because I did not want to see division.

I now see as Deaf Village so quickly saw (wow we have something in common) that an alternative aggregator is needed and I’m thankful for the alternative video website www.aslrocks.net which recognizes audism is not cool.

Tayler – I love you and will keep you in my heart.  We can finally “agree to disagree.”

Some important facts have come to light from our conflict:

1.     that the guidelines of DR/DVTV are selectively and inconsistently applied

2.     ML King Jr said: “Privileged groups rarely give up their privileges without strong resistance. Hence the basic question which confronts the world’s oppressed is: How is the struggle against the forces of injustice to be waged? The alternative to violence is non-violent resistance. The non-violent resister must often express his protest through non-cooperation or boycotts, but he realizes that non-cooperation and boycotts are not ends in themselves; they are merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in the opponent.”  (Christian Century Magazine 1957)

It is true that I employed this peaceful technique to awaken a sense of moral shame in DR/DVTV for posting attack v/blogs.  It is true that I employed this peaceful technique to see DR/DVTV do the right thing and take a stand against ableism via adding “disability” to the DR guidelines and against audism via adding “culture” or after ethnicity (this includes Natural Signed Language people) in DR and DVTV guidelines.

I would have MUCH preferred never to even have to do such advocacy.  But our people are worth it.  DR/DVTV and you were worth it.

3.     MLK Jr and many other good folks have said “it is never the wrong time to do the right thing.

4.     Folks are concerned about division.  It is simple.

Option 1: You can stand by DR/DVTV publishing and disseminating (and now creating) v/blogs that attack and harass members of our community and support their omission of “disability” and “culture” in their guideline(s)

Option 2: You can turn a blind’s eye because you want to continue to have traffic on the DR/DVTV grid (fyi – im way way way off the grid and have more traffic than when I was on DR/DVTV.  If you build a new space for yourself folks will come)

Option 3: You can wait until you have more information.  Uneducation / uninformed silence is not really the answer though (ie – burying your head in the sand).  So get the answers and do your homework.

Option 4: You can join in the attacking and get it carried by DR/DVTV.

Option 5:   I know many of you fear you will be bitten next as Tayler has done to me.  You can live in fear and do nothing.

NO WORRIES re: Tayler’s attempt to disseminate simple lies against me to conceal, distort, and distract from complex truth.

I am not hurt or angry.  He has pulled down his own mask and a few others will follow.

It will be uncomfortable.  It will be shameful what they resort to.

The good news is:

This will allow us to see facts, fiction, and truths for what they truly are because they are no longer hidden.  It’s a good thing.  It’s a hard thing to behold but it is the truth and that is always good.

It will allow new spaces to emerge to wrestle with all the hard issues of folks being unkind to each other in the b/vlogsphere.

It will allow us to have “the spiritual audacity to assert our somebodyness” and it will allow us to be part of a truth force / soul force.  We will have options.

I do apologize to the Deaf community for having gone on so long in advocating for DR/DVTV to do the right thing because I did not want us to be split and because I believed in Tayler for so long.  I do not regret my advocacy or the position I took.  I just regret that it took me this long to get to this point of seeing a truth I was not willing to recognize- that Tayler can not judge what harassing, namecalling, defamation, false accusations, and monitoring are if he engages in those techniques to silence just, right and good dissent.

I suspect it will get worse before it gets better.  What i ask of us is – no lashing out against Tayler, the editors of DR/DVTV, the bloggers/vloggers of DR/DVTV and the supporters.  Challenge with facts and truth and above all LOVE or do not respond at all.  Do not react out of anger, hate, or vengeance.  That is not part of soulforce and it is not right, just, or good.

Be well all.  I love you.



Oppose b.s.

Oppose B.S.

When folks cross the line and send b.s. to governmental bodies i feel compelled to take a stand for the truth hence this blog entry.

The good news is that the starvation diet has been working and someone has gone totally desperate and is now grabbing and clutching at the thinnest of straws.

“True leaders do not lie to their own people and spread myths like that.”

Quote from Barry Sewell (aka theholism)’s video To California State Senators (see point 2:11)

Below the video box he states: “Hard copies of this video is being sent to California State Senators”

(this note added 6/25/2010 after confirmation that Barry’s pointless and nitpiky video letter to CA senators that involved copyright infringement was removed from DR/DVTV/Youtube and his own blogsite – cuz the original creator of the video and husband reported the misuse and abuse of their property. Thanks Michelle & husband for standing firm and strong) em>

All the below is still valid – especially if he did send the DVDs to the CA senators and especially if he never did (i.e. myths and lies and leadership – whistle is a blowing. Tea anyone?)

Now back to the “fact”? where Barry said he sent this video to CA senators:
Which Senators – all of them?
Does it matter? Nah, guess not (cuz maybe he isn’t really sending them – kinda like the letter to the CA Dept of Justice b.s.)

It is an awful lot of DVD burning and mailing from Arizona – costly investment of a worthless and fraudulent endeavor – but sadly not the first one.

Hopefully this will be the last one though. Hope spring eternal in me.

And for what purpose was this video letter to CA senators made by Barry??? – to show that a person signed “DOCTOR” when discussing AB 2072 and thus somehow that makes the whole protest moot and the activist guilty of “spreading lies and myth” – OH MY HEAVENS the kettle is so black here, dear.

I will quote what the man signed (no I ain’t using your transcript Barry cuz that might be copyright infringement and cuz it has bad verb tense usage)
“We are gathered here to protest against AB 2072. That bill is related to newborn Deaf babies. Understand that this bill depends on audiologists and doctors to make decisions about their lives and upbringing.”

AB 2072 states that it is an addition to the existing law, the Newborn Infant Hearing Screening, Tracking and Intervention Act which “requires every general acute care hospital with licensed perinatal services to offer every newborn a hearing screening test for the identification of hearing loss, as specified, and provide written information on the availability of community resources and services for children with hearing loss to the parents of those who are diagnosed with a hearing loss.”

So who exactly is gonna be doing all that screening, identification, and providing of written information in the hospital???

You guessed it (if you ain’t a dummie or dumb and deafless)

DOCTORS. You know folks who are trained to see Deaf as health issue, disease, disorder, affliction, etc.

Its already happening folks…EVERY DAY – EVERY WHICH WAY YOU TURN

Thus the gentlemen’s use of the sign doctor is still applicable. Even if it weren’t – Barry do you have no clue of how petty you look to be making a video that involves copyright infringement and having an intertitle frame that states:

“Watch the video carefully. This is one of many lies and myths being spread by some of the deaf leaders.”

Spooky music absent may be playing in the mind of the creator of this video letter to CA senators.

“…..and doctors…”’

YIKES – LIES – MYTHS (see Candy’s blog about how “they” can’t read if u want more myths about myths [unless ur head is already spinning too much])

Seriously this is the BEST BEST BEST most damaging evidence you can muster to take the time to mis-caption, illegally download, illegally distribute via your holism site, and illegally reproduce, burn and MAIL to senators? Holy crude boy – your logic totally worries me.

Taking illegally obtained materials and mailing them to out of state senators to prove someone else’s WRONG DOINGS??? When –
1. he really did nothing wrong
2. ya stole someone else’s property in your quest to out-do myth makings – at the very LEAST Barry you could have cited the source of your stolen materials – make a little effort to set a good example would ya.
3. That is the lamest lamest lamest example of a lie or a myth “and doctor” that I have ever seen and it screams out “look at me I am bloody desperate here – would you folks give me some real b.s. to work with.” No sorry love. We will not. Firm with love all the way here. We are on a truth campaign. See Gandhi’s soulforce / truthfoce. Yes, I know you hate it and yes I know it hurts.

There are MANY MANY MANY shortcomings in this bill and we totally ain’t dumb. The fact that you can not see them, ur unholiness, does not surprise me but it does make me sad. Stop by http://www.opposeab2072.com/ oodles and oodles of facts on the bill and see the truth. It only REQUIRES that you open your eyes.

So Barry Sewell – you might want to heed your own advice before you go lying to the Senators in CA or the CA Dept of Justice or a licensing board or……

“True leaders do not lie to their own people and spread myths like that.” Barry Sewell

would that you could heed your own advice

Folks – careful where u step b.s. is everywhere and that stuff sure do stink. Wipe your shoes before coming into the house, eh.

Now if folks would like to know a bit about Barry Sewell’s own lies and myth spreading – check out the below.

Facts and Fiction: CAD and Civic Duty


Transcript of Open Letter falsely accusing CAD of Discrimination


Deafhood Lies and the Blogsphere

What tangled webs Deaf Read and DVTV Weave

Looks like your spinner landed on black with this latest myth in Twister, Bar.

DR/DVTV thanks for pulling Barry’s “Evidence of Myths & Lies on AB 2072” blog and vlog entry. Cyberbullying and copyright infringement ain’t cool. This has a strike through now – 6/25/2010 because we just learned that DR/DTV did not do this removing on their own accord. It seems the human editors at DR and owner at DVTV still can’t discern what they should publish and what they should not without a little help. to modify and amend Barry’s quote to the CA Senators ““True leaders do not lie to their own people and spread myths NOR DO AGGREGATORS and WEBSITES PUBLISH THIS LIBEL, SLANDER, and CYBERDEFAMATION like that.” The credit really goes to Michelle and her husband for reporting the abuse and misuse of their property by Barry.

Looking forward to when the other ones get pulled cuz good publishers, aggregators, and website administrators don’t carry lies and myths that attack people and organizations.


Deafread – pls re-consider your decision

Hi all

Im formally asking Deafread to re-consider its decision on banning the Cochlear Implant Online website

I dont do this cuz im a fan of this site – im not. I have seen some very audist statements made in blog entries there; however, i believe that when DR decided to shift from a Deaf Culture Centered aggregator to anything that relates to the physical and / or cultural condition of being deaf and Deaf, it expanded its cyber community and audience.

I have been searching for a public statement in one of the DR editors’ websites to help give me the full story and have been emailing with one of them to state my request that they re-consider their decision based on the information I have – the Cochlear Implant Online website was banned when it was discovered that the blogger, Rachel, was a volunteer with Cochlear. I haven’t gotten any information that there is more to the decision.

The rationale for the decision seems like a very difficult thing to have to enforce – meaning the task now before the human editors to weed through every blog / vlog entry and also to research all partisanship or affiliations a blogger / vlogger or guest may or may not have is HUGE and will lead to some slipping past and others not and potential bias. we all have biases folks – and some times those become prejudices but hopefully not. MLK Jr always said there are far more white people of good will than there are of bad. in the d/Deaf sphere it is important for us to know that there are far more people with CI, non-signers, ASL users, big D Deaf folks of good will than there are of bad. If we want to examine injustice, we should be looking at the medical, educational, and social service systems. And sadly today i must say – Deafread – you are a system and a service and without further explanation than what i have been able to gather – i believe you have erred in your ways and it is our loving duty to bring this to your attention as i totally need folks to do so for me when i trip, falter, and sputter through my day.

There is alot of wisdom in the suggestion from All the Young Dudes:

The obvious thing to do is ditch DeafRead Extra, make DeafRead the main aggregator [unmoderated – except for spam and certain other criteria], make it fully searchable via category, search, and tags. Then set up DeafSide as the cultural wing of us more erudite Deafies.

I had written some similar thoughts in What Does Deaf Read Want to Become When It Grows UP

Now if it is stated that a specific website has repeatedly engaged in libel / slander / harassment or has been involved in creating a hostile or unethical cyber environment and DR does not desire to carry them – i think that is all fine and good that DR exercise its editorial good judgment. To my knowledge that is not the stated issue here.

I want to commend DR for all it is undertaking – your work is no easy task. I want to commend you in advance should you be willing to reconsider your decision. It is never easy to backpeddle but it is often very worthwhile and beneficial when we do.

If i am overlooking or unaware of a major point as to how this decision was reached – i totally apologize and i eagerly await learning.

