Tag Archives: LSQ

Good News from the North – Canadan Progress

A while back at People of the Eye – we posted about Audism in Canada

Several of the issues have now made progress

Good News #1:

The student protests at the Centre Jules-Leger, a multilingual (LSQ, French, & English school for the Deaf) were a success in showing that the hiring of a new principal was unjust due to her being unqualified for the job – the hiree did not know LSQ (Quebec Sign Language) nor Deaf culture (the hiree’s degree and experience was in special education).

Civil disobedience & peaceful direct confrontation works!

Good News #2:

Deaf activities and allies succeeded in lobbying for a commitment to the re-opening of the Newfoundland School for the Deaf

(see past full page ads that the activities had run in major newspapers calling for an investigation into the schools closing https://handeyes.wordpress.com/2011/03/20/ad-calling-for-investigation-into-nsds-closing/)

From the Liberal Party of New Foundland’s People’s Program book (p. 49)

A New Liberal Government will re-open the School for the Deaf, over a two-year period, working closely with parents and related groups and organizations.

Hopefully the Liberal Party will win the fall election and then within 2 years NSD will re-open.  Maybe it would even offer a course in Maritime Sign Language.

The reopening of the school is very important because the school was earmarked by a doctor as being one of the pillars of keeping Deaf culture and sign language alive and thus something to be done away with in the push to eradicate deafness –

see http://www.thetelegram.com/Education/2009-04-27/article-1436743/Eradicating-deafness/1

Also because Canadian data shows that while oral / aural is the big push for infants and youngsters by elementary school age the shift goes to signing programs (see chart bel0w)

Looking forward to the hiring of a QUALIFED and PROFESSIONAL principal for Centre Jules-Leger and the reopening of NSD.